Saturday, July 21, 2012

Falling from cloud nine.

Yes I'm referencing a Katy Perry song and yes I'm waxing all existential today. 
My day began with a phone call from Ripper. He'll be here this next Friday for two whole weeks of randomness, fornication with yours truly and other types of debauchery yet to be determined. As we were talking I get a call waiting beep from a local city office. Ex is in jail. DUI, hit and run and driving on a suspended license. As it would turn out the DUI was on suspicion only, he passed a breathalyser and suffers from BiPolar disorder among other issues and can become borderline delusional as of late. I won't bore you with the details but needless to say it was emotionally jarring. 

To get my head straight I took a nap and then took the beanlets swimming. I always feel so free in the water and it did a lot to clear my head. Then, because I can't do anything planned and straight forward I decided on the drive to get some dinner we were going to see "Brave" at 10pm. Best Disney "Princess" movie EVAH. Even if you don't have children, don't like children or ever plan to have children this movie is well worth getting butt raped by the theatre on popcorn and soda to go see (Yes, of course I sneak in my own candy, pfffft. What do you think I am? Honest?)

Speaking of sneaking candy into a theatre, I shall mention that I got the candy from Target and while in Target treated myself to this

I have this unnatural addiction to bedding sets. I love girly looking themes which is odd because I'm not exactly all lace and etiquette myself. I also bought a ton of Scentsy that arrived so tomorrow I'm going to make my room all beautimous and nest like again, a proper shelter from the storm. 

I need to say out loud today how much I fucking loathe my ex mother in law. She is a cold, unfeeling, mentally unwell individual and it is my sincere dying with that the fleas of 1,000 camels infest her pubic hair.

So I am closing out this horrible fucking day with images of Ripper and I getting up to all kinds of shenanigans, my ex mother in law being eaten alive by tiny parasites and cosied up in my new bedding with my other new addiction- 50 Shades Of Grey. Good God is that some good porn reading. 

I will leave you with my current anthem to enjoy at your leisure


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